Wednesday, June 8, 2011

harvest time!!!!

the best part about gardening is finally getting to eat your hand grown grub!!!! my day always consists of checking out new growth first thing in the morning. currently, this is what we have harvested!
loads of sugar snap peas. i foresee a delicious stir fry in my future!
 bean pickin'
getting loads of these banana peppers. we have sweet and hot growing, and both producing lots!
i never imagined how great the straw bale method of gardening would work. along with all my pots and an additional raised bed, we are sure to be in for countless dinners of home grown goodness.
two months in and this is how the straw bale garden looks:
pretty awesome, huh! 
and the rest of our goods -
 oliver smelling the carrots ;)
 our raised bed garden
"There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling."  ~Mirabel Osler


ILuvCurly said...

you are SO talented! Love you!

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