

Friday, January 27, 2012


Have you ever caught a glimpse of something in you that was a spark, that needed the encouragement, support, and belief in others to help bring it burning bright into the world?  Sure you have!  Are you a parent?  Found someone to share life with that makes life a little more amazing?  Maybe its your job... Maybe it was just the better part of who you were... Life somehow works a little bit better with the support of community.  This is why kickstarter is such an important opportunity for you as a supporter - and for those talented enough to create and inspire us all.  Something is ignited in you when you support another person trying to share their spark with the world.

this is a call to anyone reading this to PLEASE HELP!

brian mcweeney is a musician in nashville, tn, and has just launched his music project on kickstarter. 
in his own words...
"If you are not familiar with Kickstarter, it is a platform that allows you to financially support artists and creators of all kinds.  You are the modern day patron of art, and your contributions will literally produce this album - making you part of a movement that says “we can do this … together, but on our own”."
not only is brian mcsweeney a wildly amazing musician - he is super fantastic, generous, kind, sweet, funny, a lifelong friend to my husband... and he sang at my wedding :)

check out his kickstarter page and help get his project up and running + with any contribution over $5 that you KINDLY make, you will receive a treasure!

every dollar counts...
no contribution is too small!  I know, I know - the economy is bad, blah blah - you got something to give... Even if all you have to give is spreading the word for others to find this amazing musician and to support him!

click HERE to see brian's video and a hear a sample of his magnificent music that YOUR generous donation will help to make possible.

a huge thanks to everyone!

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