

Friday, January 27, 2012

DIY chalkboard time

everyone has the chalkboard craze on pinterest, including myself. 
there are 85 billion pins on how to make your own chalkboard, and how to turn frames into a chalkboard, add labels to your jars with chalk paint - it's endless. and it's genius. 
so finally i put use to a picture that was purchased when we first moved in together in huntington, wv. this picture has been sitting in a closet wrapped in paper since we moved to south carolina. 
i unwrapped the brown packing paper and cleaned the glass. i used painters tape to wrap the entire frame and then went outdoors to spray the glass with chalkboard spray paint!
 i did as the can said - multiple small thin coats.
i believe i ended up doing three coats and after all is said and done, i wish i would have done a few more. 
after spraying i took the frame on the porch to dry overnight.
 i also laughed at my silly hubby sporting his superman shirt.
isn't he just adorable :) 
back to the chalkboard!
the next day i took my new chalkboard inside and 'primed' it up. i read multiple blogs stating to do this... you use the side of the chalk to rub all over the frame and this acts as a primer. leave it on for a few then wipe it off.
after wiping all that dusty chalk off, we tested it out and it was exactly like a real chalkboard! all from a cheap can of spray paint that i purchased at hobby lobby!
this was my first go at it -
and this was david's
and what we settled on ~
i love my new chalkboard. it was fun and super easy to make! 
so go make one!

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