

Friday, March 16, 2012

new pup????

she may look like a new pup.... 
but it's just my same ole' sweet emmylou.

every year when the weather starts turning warm, we have our little princess groomed. 
this girl is one hairy beast by the time this happens. 
so hairy that you can't even see the collar around her neck. 

here are a few befores -
and after -
and that's my sweet girl. 
she is still acting EXTREMELY prissy! it's adorable.
and of course, we couldn't leave out oliver... he had a bath, brush, ears cleaned and nails clipped... he was not nearly as excited as emme. 
she looks SO much smaller next to him now!

and here is oliver standing watch in the middle of the back yard... he's my protector... even though we had a snake crawling through our yard this week and he cried like a baby to get inside... yes, 120 lbs of pure baby.... that's my boy! (that's all i will say about the snake... i'm trying to erase the memory from my head.)

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