

Saturday, August 6, 2011

lotsa juicin'

well, for those of you curious to know how our juice fast is going... i will update. 
it shouldn't really be called a fast anymore considering we are having dinner. we are still doing juices for breakfast and lunch and throughout the day, and then trying to eat a small, healthy dinner. so i am very pleased with the progress. 
my only complaint, and it's a big complaint... i am SICK of living in my kitchen and washing the juicer and cutting fruit... and then doing it all over again... three times a day. 

with that said, we will continue to have juice for breakfast and lunch as long as we can. when we are sick of it or wanting something different, we will have something else. we are just happy to incorporate the fresh, no preservative juice into our lives. if there is a day that we go without, no big deal. but we plan on getting lots of use from this juicer. 

and if any of you have or want a juicer.. here is a fantastic tip for you...

line your pulp container with a bag so cleaning will be a breeze... trust me, when you are cleaning your juicer three times a day, every little skipped step counts.

here are some of the great juices that we have learned to love:

watermelon and lime breakfast juice -

juice from a watermelon is delicious on its own. very fresh and tasty! but when you juice one lime with it... it's over the top. 
try this one. you'll love!

strawberry-kiwi-orange breakfast juice - 
one container of strawberries
three kiwis
two oranges

our version of a Mean Green juice - 
one VERY large handful of kale
a large handful of spinach leaves
one stalk of celery with the leaves
half a cucumber
handful of parsley
a big bunch of green grapes
one pear
one orange
small piece of peeled ginger

lots of ingredients in this one, but it does taste really good. we got some rubbermaid containers that have an airtight seal, and they have been a lifesaver for storing homemade juice. i fill mine with green juice 3/4 full, and when i'm ready for a juice break at work, i fill it with crushed ice and enjoy! 

i have been making this juice everyday for lunch since last monday, but adding an orange instead of an apple makes it taste a lot sweeter. both are good... i just prefer the orange.

i have just gone through my photos and will be posting 'food' blogs in the coming days... these were all dinners made before we began this journey... and just looking made me very hungry for all that deliciousness! 

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