

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

the best tomato sauce recipe - EVER!

So when you have a garden that is producing an abundance of tomatoes like mine, what else would you possibly do other than make sauce? We have been making bruschetta constantly, giving tomatoes away, and still I woke up to about 4 lbs of tomatoes on my counter today! I decided it was the day to try making sauce. Plus, I have about 4 eggplants that need a good Italian dish to accompany!

In the past few days I have been doing my research on how to make the best sauce. The basic sauce requires aLOT of time... Blanching the tomatoes in boiling water then putting them in an ice bath... Then peeling them. And that's just the prep. I then read about roasting tomatoes and making sauce that way. Winner! And let me tell you, you won't even need pasta. It's so good you can just eat it by the spoonfuls! Serious.

Here is how I made my sauce. I didn't use any recipe, and just used what I had on hand. You'll need a roasting pan or sheet and a food processor. I would think a blender would work just as well.

Approx 4 pounds of tomatoes. I used better boy, Roma, and cherry tomatoes.
Two Vidalia onions, quartered.
4 cloves of garlic.
Handful of basil, oregano, and thyme. (all fresh from my garden)
Salt, pepper, and extra virgin olive oil.

I started by washing my tomatoes, then cutting them up and throwing then on the roasting pan.
Add the quartered onions and garlic. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and drizzle the top with a bit of olive oil.
I just added the whole cherry tomatoes to the mix and then added the fresh herbs. I used basil, oregano, and thyme because that is what i have growing out back.
Bake in a 400 degree oven for 45 minutes. Lots of liquid will cook out so make sure to use a sheet with an edge.  Here is how it will look after being roasted -
I let this mixture cool for about ten minutes, then put it all into a food processor and blended.
That's it!
All that mushy goodness is blended down to a thick heavenly sauce that will be incredible on anything! And the taste is absolutely incredible as well as the smell throughout my home.

My ingredients made enough sauce for about 4 suppers, so I will be freezing more than half.
Baked eggplant parmesan was fantastic with this sauce... as well as my broiled tomato cheese bread - that will be up next!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, wow, wow!!! I bet that was amazing!! Way to go.
